Planning and organizing events in case of contagious diseases in farm animals ( cattle leukemia )
1. Naturally the economic characteristics of the economy
2. Most of the
2.1. The service sector of veterinary medicine and its task of preventing infectious diseases
2.2. Planning and organizing the implementation of measures in the event of an infectious disease on the farm
2.3. Setting and canceling quarantine animals
2.4. Accounting for veterinary measures and reporting on their performance
Conclusions and recommendations
List of references
Figures , tables , graphs present.
Volume - 44 pages .
Price - 10 USD.
Leukemia is one of the most pressing problems of human and animal diseases ( Kotlyarova NN, 1973, LA Zilber et al. , 1975 Busol VA, 1983; Krikun VA, 1999, Petrov N. I. , 1999). The problem of bovine leukemia at present gone beyond veterinary medicine , it also has general biological and social significance ( V. Shishkov , 1988; Moskalyk RS , 1989 , Hulyukyn MI, 1999).
Therefore, in dealing with the active involvement of scientists humane and veterinary medicine , biology and employees of other branches of science ( Doronin MN, 1976; Lemesh VM, 1986; Nagaev LI et al. , 1998). An important contribution to opening etiological fact bovine leukemia have domestic and foreign scholars. The works AF Babkin , AF Valihova , RO Kukayn , H.A.Nadtochiya , MI Parfanovych , OT Shikov , J.M. Miller and others in the late sixties and early seventies was confirmed viral origin of the disease. Since then a new stage study of infection. By 1985, have been developed and tested in practice highly specific serological methods of early diagnosis of infection. This required the science and practice of revaluation of available views on etiopathogenesis, epizootiology , evaluation of diagnostic tests , methods of recovery from leukemia stud ( PN Smirnov , 1983; Tsыmbal VI, 1988). To form the scientific concept protyleykoznyh measures needed to examine features of epizootic process and its driving forces - the source of pathogen infection of susceptible animals, the mechanism of transmission of infection. Despite advances in experimental science leykozolohiyi in the study of the etiology and development of methods for early diagnosis , methodical approaches to carrying protyleykoznyh measures did not change significantly . Instructions to combat bovine leukemia developed in 1984 , operated in the former Soviet Union until 1990. [2]
Leukemia is registered in all countries in the Americas, Australia and Asia. The high level of organization and measures to combat the disease allowed increase of bovine leucosis countries such as Belgium , Ireland , Norway. With the success of government programs implemented to combat disease in European countries such as Germany , Poland , Bulgaria , the Baltic States . Ukraine has a program for prevention and control of bovine leukemia , the basic principles under which " plan of measures for improvement of cattle from leukemia in Ukraine ."
In Ukraine, at that time there were no data on patterns of epizootic situation and characteristics of the manifestation of epizootic process is not developed ways to prevent and eliminate leukemia. [7]
This hindered the applications of scientific schools of Russia, Ukraine and other countries in the practice of large-scale protyleykoznyh measures. The scientific community was to develop a number of new organizational measures to determine the effectiveness naukovoobhruntovanyh methods of diagnosis and healing ways dysfunctional about leukemia herds ( Yarchuk BM et al. , 1989, PP Dostoevsky , 1992).
This paper addresses the issue of the elimination of viral leukemia in cattle farm Krasnopolye district of the Sumy Oblast LLC " Victoria".
The aim of the course is to analyze the effectiveness of measures for the elimination and prevention of viral leukemia in cattle. The aim of the course is to develop practical proposals economy prevention and prevention of further spread of viral leukemia in cattle.
Leukemia is one of the most pressing problems of human and animal diseases . The problem of bovine leukemia at present gone beyond veterinary medicine , it also has general biological and social significance .
Analysis of the literature showed that the modern technology of the industry in farms not always achieve the desired results because of the existing derogations from the requirements of the user against VLVRH ( untimely isolation of infected animals due to lack of space and staff, poor records , poor selection and breeding failure to comply with the rules of asepsis during routine veterinary measures: rectal examination , blood collection , vaccinations , etc.). .
Level leukemia virus infection in cattle in different age groups varies , with the infection in animals younger ages ranged from 9% to 1.9 % and the average was 6.3 %, and among cows - from 16.7 % to 3 7% in the average - 11.9 %.
As a result of measures to eliminate leukemia virus of cattle at the " Victoria" decreased incidence of 87.14 % to 3.7%. Studied the economic efficiency of the preventive measures and protyleykoznyh disadvantaged by VLKRH economy. A veterinary- sanitary and organizational and economic measures to eliminate leukemia virus in cattle. Events efficient and they provide a reduction in the incidence of cattle leukemia at high payback conducted expenses.
OFFERS economy
1. Timely isolated and forced to make slaughter VLKRH newly infected animals.
2. Conduct serological blood tests in calves from 6 months of age , followed by a separate maintenance infected and uninfected animals.
3. Karantynuvaty and conduct serological blood tests for leukemia came back to farm cows and heifers .
1. Anyshyn AT , king YP, V. Khramtsov Distribution VLKRS -infection Among calves in ozdoravlyvaemыh from leukemia economy Krasnoyarsk Territory / / Aktual.vopr.veterynaryy . , Novosibirsk , 1997. - P.79 -80.
2. Aranci S. Liskonih Peculiarities of epizootic process with leukemia in cattle farms cured with the use of a complex method / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2007. - № 8. - S. 10 - 12.
3. Barabanov II Offers for Improvement anti - leykoznыh of activities / / Vet . consultant. - 2003. - № 7. - S. 9-12.
4. Burba LG, VM Nahmanson Articles large cattle livestock and Measures combating it / / Veterynaryya . - 1998. - № 5. - S. 28 - 32.
5. Busol VA Limanskaya AU, Lymanskyy AP Vyyavlenye leukemia virus large cattle livestock posredstvom polymeraznoy Drag reactions / / Veterynaryya , - 1999 , - № 6 - S. 27-30 .
6. Valyhov AF Byolohycheskye properties leukemia virus large cattle cattle : diagnosis and infection prevention : dis. Dr. ... wet . sciences: 16.00.03 / AF Valyhov - M. VYЭV , 1992.
7. Volozhanynova NV Basic эtapы Conduct protyvoleykoznыh of activities in the economy zhyvotnovodcheskyh AR Crimea / / Journal of Agrarian Black: Collection of scientific works. - Odessa, 2004. - Issue . 25. - S. 131-134 .
8. Hulyukin MI Methods of diagnosis of bovine leukemia and evaluation in the system epidemic measures in the Russian Federation / / Vet . honey. Ukraine . - 2006. - № 3. - S. 20-21 .
9. Diagnosis and prevention of bovine leukemia / [ LI Nagaev , S. Aranci, HI Dobrosol et al. ], Ed. LI Nagaev - , 2003 . - 64 p.
10. Donnyk IM, Tatarchuk AT Distribution of large cattle leucosis in cattle territory Sverdlovskoy ecologically disadvantaged regions and Kurhanskoy / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . -1995 . - Vыp.10 . - P.53 -57.
11. Ukraine's legislation on veterinary medicine / edited . PP Dostoevsky , VI Khomenko . - K. , 1999.
12. The pattern of epizootic process in bovine leukemia / Busol VA, VP Wait , DI Bondarenko , OI Kozachenko / / Veterinary Medicine: Interdepartmental thematic research collection. - Vyp.84 . - Kharkov. - 2004. - S. 155-160 .
13. Achievements and challenges in the fight against leukemia in cattle in the Lviv region / VA Compass, NV Kosenko , MS Mandyhra et al. / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2000. - № 2. - P.28 -29.
14. Krushelnytska Z., Mark V. Improvement of cattle farms from leukemia vaccine using / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2004. - № 5. - S. 27 - 28.
15. Articles large cattle livestock and Strategy mayor combating Disease su Vladymyrskoy region / Gusev AA Kiselev YT , Zakharov VN et al / / Probl. infections . St. h.zhyvotnыh pathology . - Vladimir , 1997. - P.77 -78.
16. Bovine leukemia / O. B. Dabrowski , L. E. Kornienko , BM Yarchuk et al. , Ed. OB Dombrowski . - White Church , 2003. - 210 p.
17. Bovine leukemia / B. M. Yarchuk , OB Dombrowski , RV Tyrsin , LE Kornienko , AV Dovhal . - Kyiv : 2000. - 64 p.
18. Peculiarities of infectious leukemic process in young cattle / M. Mandyhra , B. Kurtyak , A. Grytsyk , R. Simon et al. / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2002. - № 7. - S. 17.
19. Easter MM Diagnosis of bovine leukemia . Guidelines for doctors of veterinary medicine laboratory profile / MM Easter , PG Shulga, D. Bondarenko. - White Church : - 2003. - 36 p.
20. Pat. 5806 Ukraine , IPC G01N33/53. Method of ELISA detection of antibodies to the virus of bovine leukemia / BT hips, NV Yavnikov , SA Mikhailov , VS Antonov ( Ukraine ). - № 20040807158 ; appl . 30.08.04 , Publ. 15.03.05 , Bull. Number 3. - 2 p.
21. Pathological anatomy of animals / P. Urbanowicz , MK Potocki , I. Hevkan et al. - K. Vetinform , 2008. - 896 p. , IL . 253.
22. Rusanovych AA eliminate leukemia in cattle farms with American Football эpyzootycheskoy situation / / Veterynaryya . - 2004. - № 3. - P. 7 - 9.
23. Simonyan , GA Veterinary hematolohyya / Simonyan GA, Hysamutdynov FF - Moscow: Kolos , 1995, pp.16- 204.
24. Svynarenko AI problem elimination of leukemia : Two areas of improvement economies of bovine leucosis / / Animal health and medicine. - 2003. - № 8. - S. 22.
25. Symolyan GA Dynamics development patolohycheskoho infectious process in leukemia / / Vet . consultant. - 2006. - № 9. - P. 4-6.
26. Symolyan GA Design and Improvement ozdorovytelnыh protyvoleykoznыh of activities / / Veterynaryya . - 2007. - № 7. - P. 3-6.
27. Y. Smirnov Efficiency of measures in DIFFERENT ways ozdorovlenyya from leukemia of large cattle herds cattle / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . - 1995. - Vыp.10 . - P.68 -70.
28. Sobko IO, Abramov LO modern methods of laboratory diagnosis of bovine leucosis / / Modern veterinary medicine . - 2005. - № 2. - S. 4.
29. Handbook of Ocran labor and safety technicians in animal husbandry . Ed. Second , ext. and rev. - K.: Vintage , 1985. - 199 p.
30. Modern approaches to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of disadvantaged with regard to bovine leukemia farms / BM Yarchuk , RV Tyrsin , AJ Krajewski , AB Dombrowski , LE Kornienko , O. Dovhal / / Agricultural missing. - 2001. - № 4. - P.11 -12.
31. Modern aspects of diagnosis and measures to combat bovine leukemia / BM Yarchuk , RV Tyrsin , AV Dovhal / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2006. - № 9. - S. 21 - 23.
32. Aspects of rehabilitation facilities, disadvantaged on bovine leukemia / BM Yarchuk , RV Tyrsin , LM Kornienko , LE Kornienko, O. Dombrowski , AJ Krajewski, A. Dovhal / / Bulletin BTSAU : Proc. Science. works. - White Church , 2002. - Issue . 21. - S. 205-255 .
33. Tatarchuk AT, Donnyk IM Conduct methodological Features protyvoleykoznыh of activities in the economy Sverdlovskoy region / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . - 1995. - Vыp.10 . - P.31 -38.
34. Test system for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia / B. T. hip, NV Yavnikov , SK Horbatenko SA Mikhailov , VS Antonov , LP Kal'chenko / / Bulletin . agrarian . science. - 2002. - № 12. -C. 32-34 .
35. Model Regulations of the training on safety (approved by the State Committee of Ukraine on Labour Inspection dated 26.01.2005 , № 15).
36. Model Regulations on Labour Protection Service (from 15.11.2004 № 255).
37. Khramtsov V. Эkolohycheskoe neblahopoluchye otdelnыh territories Ural region as a factor , povыshayuschyy of the disease risk large cattle cattle leukemia / Khramtsov VV, Fedorov V., Donnyk IM / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . - 1995. - Vol. 10. - S. 58-61 .
38. Shukel AA, VV Khramtsov Effect on Term Status эpyzootycheskoho ozdorovlenyya farms from leukemia / / Aktual.vopr.veterynaryy . - Novosibirsk , 1997. - S. 80-81 .
39. Yarchuk B. Tyrsin R., A. Dovhal Modern aspects of diagnosis and measures to combat bovine leukemia / / Vet . honey. Ukraine . - 2006. - № 9. - S. 21-23 .
Planning and organizing events in case of contagious diseases in farm animals ( cattle leukemia )
1. Naturally the economic characteristics of the economy
2. Most of the
2.1. The service sector of veterinary medicine and its task of preventing infectious diseases
2.2. Planning and organizing the implementation of measures in the event of an infectious disease on the farm
2.3. Setting and canceling quarantine animals
2.4. Accounting for veterinary measures and reporting on their performance
Conclusions and recommendations
List of references
Figures , tables , graphs present.
Volume - 44 pages .
Price - 10 USD.
Leukemia is one of the most pressing problems of human and animal diseases ( Kotlyarova NN, 1973, LA Zilber et al. , 1975 Busol VA, 1983; Krikun VA, 1999, Petrov N. I. , 1999). The problem of bovine leukemia at present gone beyond veterinary medicine , it also has general biological and social significance ( V. Shishkov , 1988; Moskalyk RS , 1989 , Hulyukyn MI, 1999).
Therefore, in dealing with the active involvement of scientists humane and veterinary medicine , biology and employees of other branches of science ( Doronin MN, 1976; Lemesh VM, 1986; Nagaev LI et al. , 1998). An important contribution to opening etiological fact bovine leukemia have domestic and foreign scholars. The works AF Babkin , AF Valihova , RO Kukayn , H.A.Nadtochiya , MI Parfanovych , OT Shikov , J.M. Miller and others in the late sixties and early seventies was confirmed viral origin of the disease. Since then a new stage study of infection. By 1985, have been developed and tested in practice highly specific serological methods of early diagnosis of infection. This required the science and practice of revaluation of available views on etiopathogenesis, epizootiology , evaluation of diagnostic tests , methods of recovery from leukemia stud ( PN Smirnov , 1983; Tsыmbal VI, 1988). To form the scientific concept protyleykoznyh measures needed to examine features of epizootic process and its driving forces - the source of pathogen infection of susceptible animals, the mechanism of transmission of infection. Despite advances in experimental science leykozolohiyi in the study of the etiology and development of methods for early diagnosis , methodical approaches to carrying protyleykoznyh measures did not change significantly . Instructions to combat bovine leukemia developed in 1984 , operated in the former Soviet Union until 1990. [2]
Leukemia is registered in all countries in the Americas, Australia and Asia. The high level of organization and measures to combat the disease allowed increase of bovine leucosis countries such as Belgium , Ireland , Norway. With the success of government programs implemented to combat disease in European countries such as Germany , Poland , Bulgaria , the Baltic States . Ukraine has a program for prevention and control of bovine leukemia , the basic principles under which " plan of measures for improvement of cattle from leukemia in Ukraine ."
In Ukraine, at that time there were no data on patterns of epizootic situation and characteristics of the manifestation of epizootic process is not developed ways to prevent and eliminate leukemia. [7]
This hindered the applications of scientific schools of Russia, Ukraine and other countries in the practice of large-scale protyleykoznyh measures. The scientific community was to develop a number of new organizational measures to determine the effectiveness naukovoobhruntovanyh methods of diagnosis and healing ways dysfunctional about leukemia herds ( Yarchuk BM et al. , 1989, PP Dostoevsky , 1992).
This paper addresses the issue of the elimination of viral leukemia in cattle farm Krasnopolye district of the Sumy Oblast LLC " Victoria".
The aim of the course is to analyze the effectiveness of measures for the elimination and prevention of viral leukemia in cattle. The aim of the course is to develop practical proposals economy prevention and prevention of further spread of viral leukemia in cattle.
Leukemia is one of the most pressing problems of human and animal diseases . The problem of bovine leukemia at present gone beyond veterinary medicine , it also has general biological and social significance .
Analysis of the literature showed that the modern technology of the industry in farms not always achieve the desired results because of the existing derogations from the requirements of the user against VLVRH ( untimely isolation of infected animals due to lack of space and staff, poor records , poor selection and breeding failure to comply with the rules of asepsis during routine veterinary measures: rectal examination , blood collection , vaccinations , etc.). .
Level leukemia virus infection in cattle in different age groups varies , with the infection in animals younger ages ranged from 9% to 1.9 % and the average was 6.3 %, and among cows - from 16.7 % to 3 7% in the average - 11.9 %.
As a result of measures to eliminate leukemia virus of cattle at the " Victoria" decreased incidence of 87.14 % to 3.7%. Studied the economic efficiency of the preventive measures and protyleykoznyh disadvantaged by VLKRH economy. A veterinary- sanitary and organizational and economic measures to eliminate leukemia virus in cattle. Events efficient and they provide a reduction in the incidence of cattle leukemia at high payback conducted expenses.
OFFERS economy
1. Timely isolated and forced to make slaughter VLKRH newly infected animals.
2. Conduct serological blood tests in calves from 6 months of age , followed by a separate maintenance infected and uninfected animals.
3. Karantynuvaty and conduct serological blood tests for leukemia came back to farm cows and heifers .
1. Anyshyn AT , king YP, V. Khramtsov Distribution VLKRS -infection Among calves in ozdoravlyvaemыh from leukemia economy Krasnoyarsk Territory / / Aktual.vopr.veterynaryy . , Novosibirsk , 1997. - P.79 -80.
2. Aranci S. Liskonih Peculiarities of epizootic process with leukemia in cattle farms cured with the use of a complex method / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2007. - № 8. - S. 10 - 12.
3. Barabanov II Offers for Improvement anti - leykoznыh of activities / / Vet . consultant. - 2003. - № 7. - S. 9-12.
4. Burba LG, VM Nahmanson Articles large cattle livestock and Measures combating it / / Veterynaryya . - 1998. - № 5. - S. 28 - 32.
5. Busol VA Limanskaya AU, Lymanskyy AP Vyyavlenye leukemia virus large cattle livestock posredstvom polymeraznoy Drag reactions / / Veterynaryya , - 1999 , - № 6 - S. 27-30 .
6. Valyhov AF Byolohycheskye properties leukemia virus large cattle cattle : diagnosis and infection prevention : dis. Dr. ... wet . sciences: 16.00.03 / AF Valyhov - M. VYЭV , 1992.
7. Volozhanynova NV Basic эtapы Conduct protyvoleykoznыh of activities in the economy zhyvotnovodcheskyh AR Crimea / / Journal of Agrarian Black: Collection of scientific works. - Odessa, 2004. - Issue . 25. - S. 131-134 .
8. Hulyukin MI Methods of diagnosis of bovine leukemia and evaluation in the system epidemic measures in the Russian Federation / / Vet . honey. Ukraine . - 2006. - № 3. - S. 20-21 .
9. Diagnosis and prevention of bovine leukemia / [ LI Nagaev , S. Aranci, HI Dobrosol et al. ], Ed. LI Nagaev - , 2003 . - 64 p.
10. Donnyk IM, Tatarchuk AT Distribution of large cattle leucosis in cattle territory Sverdlovskoy ecologically disadvantaged regions and Kurhanskoy / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . -1995 . - Vыp.10 . - P.53 -57.
11. Ukraine's legislation on veterinary medicine / edited . PP Dostoevsky , VI Khomenko . - K. , 1999.
12. The pattern of epizootic process in bovine leukemia / Busol VA, VP Wait , DI Bondarenko , OI Kozachenko / / Veterinary Medicine: Interdepartmental thematic research collection. - Vyp.84 . - Kharkov. - 2004. - S. 155-160 .
13. Achievements and challenges in the fight against leukemia in cattle in the Lviv region / VA Compass, NV Kosenko , MS Mandyhra et al. / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2000. - № 2. - P.28 -29.
14. Krushelnytska Z., Mark V. Improvement of cattle farms from leukemia vaccine using / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2004. - № 5. - S. 27 - 28.
15. Articles large cattle livestock and Strategy mayor combating Disease su Vladymyrskoy region / Gusev AA Kiselev YT , Zakharov VN et al / / Probl. infections . St. h.zhyvotnыh pathology . - Vladimir , 1997. - P.77 -78.
16. Bovine leukemia / O. B. Dabrowski , L. E. Kornienko , BM Yarchuk et al. , Ed. OB Dombrowski . - White Church , 2003. - 210 p.
17. Bovine leukemia / B. M. Yarchuk , OB Dombrowski , RV Tyrsin , LE Kornienko , AV Dovhal . - Kyiv : 2000. - 64 p.
18. Peculiarities of infectious leukemic process in young cattle / M. Mandyhra , B. Kurtyak , A. Grytsyk , R. Simon et al. / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2002. - № 7. - S. 17.
19. Easter MM Diagnosis of bovine leukemia . Guidelines for doctors of veterinary medicine laboratory profile / MM Easter , PG Shulga, D. Bondarenko. - White Church : - 2003. - 36 p.
20. Pat. 5806 Ukraine , IPC G01N33/53. Method of ELISA detection of antibodies to the virus of bovine leukemia / BT hips, NV Yavnikov , SA Mikhailov , VS Antonov ( Ukraine ). - № 20040807158 ; appl . 30.08.04 , Publ. 15.03.05 , Bull. Number 3. - 2 p.
21. Pathological anatomy of animals / P. Urbanowicz , MK Potocki , I. Hevkan et al. - K. Vetinform , 2008. - 896 p. , IL . 253.
22. Rusanovych AA eliminate leukemia in cattle farms with American Football эpyzootycheskoy situation / / Veterynaryya . - 2004. - № 3. - P. 7 - 9.
23. Simonyan , GA Veterinary hematolohyya / Simonyan GA, Hysamutdynov FF - Moscow: Kolos , 1995, pp.16- 204.
24. Svynarenko AI problem elimination of leukemia : Two areas of improvement economies of bovine leucosis / / Animal health and medicine. - 2003. - № 8. - S. 22.
25. Symolyan GA Dynamics development patolohycheskoho infectious process in leukemia / / Vet . consultant. - 2006. - № 9. - P. 4-6.
26. Symolyan GA Design and Improvement ozdorovytelnыh protyvoleykoznыh of activities / / Veterynaryya . - 2007. - № 7. - P. 3-6.
27. Y. Smirnov Efficiency of measures in DIFFERENT ways ozdorovlenyya from leukemia of large cattle herds cattle / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . - 1995. - Vыp.10 . - P.68 -70.
28. Sobko IO, Abramov LO modern methods of laboratory diagnosis of bovine leucosis / / Modern veterinary medicine . - 2005. - № 2. - S. 4.
29. Handbook of Ocran labor and safety technicians in animal husbandry . Ed. Second , ext. and rev. - K.: Vintage , 1985. - 199 p.
30. Modern approaches to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of disadvantaged with regard to bovine leukemia farms / BM Yarchuk , RV Tyrsin , AJ Krajewski , AB Dombrowski , LE Kornienko , O. Dovhal / / Agricultural missing. - 2001. - № 4. - P.11 -12.
31. Modern aspects of diagnosis and measures to combat bovine leukemia / BM Yarchuk , RV Tyrsin , AV Dovhal / / Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine. - 2006. - № 9. - S. 21 - 23.
32. Aspects of rehabilitation facilities, disadvantaged on bovine leukemia / BM Yarchuk , RV Tyrsin , LM Kornienko , LE Kornienko, O. Dombrowski , AJ Krajewski, A. Dovhal / / Bulletin BTSAU : Proc. Science. works. - White Church , 2002. - Issue . 21. - S. 205-255 .
33. Tatarchuk AT, Donnyk IM Conduct methodological Features protyvoleykoznыh of activities in the economy Sverdlovskoy region / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . - 1995. - Vыp.10 . - P.31 -38.
34. Test system for the diagnosis of bovine leukemia / B. T. hip, NV Yavnikov , SK Horbatenko SA Mikhailov , VS Antonov , LP Kal'chenko / / Bulletin . agrarian . science. - 2002. - № 12. -C. 32-34 .
35. Model Regulations of the training on safety (approved by the State Committee of Ukraine on Labour Inspection dated 26.01.2005 , № 15).
36. Model Regulations on Labour Protection Service (from 15.11.2004 № 255).
37. Khramtsov V. Эkolohycheskoe neblahopoluchye otdelnыh territories Ural region as a factor , povыshayuschyy of the disease risk large cattle cattle leukemia / Khramtsov VV, Fedorov V., Donnyk IM / / Tr.Sverdl.n. - . - 1995. - Vol. 10. - S. 58-61 .
38. Shukel AA, VV Khramtsov Effect on Term Status эpyzootycheskoho ozdorovlenyya farms from leukemia / / Aktual.vopr.veterynaryy . - Novosibirsk , 1997. - S. 80-81 .
39. Yarchuk B. Tyrsin R., A. Dovhal Modern aspects of diagnosis and measures to combat bovine leukemia / / Vet . honey. Ukraine . - 2006. - № 9. - S. 21-23 .
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